Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 21

So, I have some funny Tristan stories. We went to Samantha Sandekian's birthday party at the bowling alley on Saturday. It was fun for the kids, but somewhere in the middle of it, Tristan sat down on the hardwood floor, and proceeded to cross one leg over his other knee, and then lick the bottom of his bowling shoe. I immediately cringed and yelled for him not to do that, but now, every time I think about it, I laugh. Ugh, gross! Secondly he told Laney tonight that he was going to "terminate her." I think it might have something to do with Power Rangers, but I'm not positive.
The weekend was entirely occupied with painting the hallway and the man room. Here are some before and after pics.

Bonus, the hallway:

I feel really relieved that the painting is finished for the most part. I am having one of my more anxious days though, and that seems backward. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Today is Memorial Day and the young men and women who have died for our country have been playing like a montage through my head all day and reminding me how thankful I am for our military and for their ultimate sacrifice.

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