Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 1

So, yesterday was a little rough. It wouldn't have been so bad, but Tristan did not take Bryan leaving well. We have been telling him that he is leaving for quite a few months, but even after we dropped Bryan off, I don't think he knew where he was going or for how long. When we were about home (after a 45 min drive) Tristan asked where Daddy was going. I told him, and he seemed surprised. Which was surprising to me because I thought he knew. So, the evening was downhill from there. We had some sister torture, some Mommy torture, some room torture, and if we still had Chip, I think there would have been Chip torture. He calmed down when he listened to the book Bryan read for them, the recordable kind, and then even more when I printed out a picture for him to keep by his bed. He seems to be doing pretty well this morning, so I'm crossing my fingers that it holds. Laney did much better, although we had some tears at the airport, which I think upset Daddy. She was also excited about the book and the picture, and told me that she is a little bit used to Daddy being gone, so she is going to be okay.
My mom is coming today! Yay! We are all excited to see her.
Here are the pics we took yesterday before heading to the airport:

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