Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 16

So, today was an eventful day. I would like to say it was positive, and it probably was, but it left me so drained I cannot see the progress right now. I officially listed the house...for 25K less than we owe. That was a lot more draining than I had anticipated. The realtor was getting on my nerves too. She wanted to talk, and I just wanted to sign away money and security in silence. Then she wanted to take pictures before the stager comes. The stager comes next week, and I'm really not ready for pictures yet, even though I would like to have sold the house last week, honestly. So, she is going to come back tomorrow and take some pics. Then she walked around and asked if I am going to be ready for pictures my house is such a pigsty that it won't be ready. Maybe last week I would have agreed, but I have worked really hard to get it camera ready, and it really only needs some clearing out before it is ready, which requires some packing. So, tomorrow I will pick up some boxes and pack some crap. I cannot wait to move into an apartment!
Tristan also got braces today, which is also good, but it was a stressful experience for him and for me. He is/was excited about them. However, I think they were bothering him tonight, and since he can't particularly verbalize that, he acted up. I finally figured it out and gave him some Motrin. There is one bright spot and that is that he no longer has a gap in his front teeth. This whole orthodontic intervention has definitely not been in vain. It is working, even if there are moments of immense stress.

And, he got headgear to wear at night. Which he says make him look like Buzz Lightyear and Darla from Finding Nemo.

Also, Tristan really wanted his own alarm clock which I thought was a great idea so when he wakes up in the middle of night he can tell us when he woke up, so I got him one. Then, of course Laney demanded one:

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