Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 10

Well, things are getting a little harried around here. I made a deal to sell the Rav, but I have to get it refinanced in my name first. I am working on getting that accomplished, and hope to have it finished tomorrow. That will be nice, one less car payment. Our realtor, Tina, came over yesterday and told me what I already knew, which is that we are upside down in the house. So...we are probably going to do a short sale or something equivalent. This is fine with me, but she also told me that a ton of foreclosures will hit the market this summer, so I am antsy to get this place sold. I have a stager (for house staging) coming out in the next couple of days, and I have a feeling that I will be buying paint. Anyone want to have a painting party? Anyone? I am happy to get the process started, but I am overwhelmed on the whole.
My mom went home this morning. We took her to the airport at 4 a.m. *yawn* I signed up for Weight Watchers this morning, and printed out some tools in order to get started. I have to get this body bikini ready in a year.:)
Little Garrett was born on Monday, he is adorable. We are all excited about him. I can't wait to spend the summer watching him grow.
I am heading to see Bridesmaids with my movie girls this morning. I could really use the laughs, so I'm happy to be going.

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