Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 0

I am going to restart this blog in earnest. I have a good reason for doing so. Bryan is leaving for a year, and he leaves today. I want him to be able to check in here if we aren't able to talk, or maybe to read about stuff that happens during the day that I forget to mention. This is also a good place to record all of the funny things the kids say, and there have been some great ones. This is not to mention the antics (ahem, Tristan crawling through the doggie door at Grandma and Grandpa Marshmallows').
We had a little family backyard BBQ on Saturday and took some pics.;)

We had a great time. Laney was coercing Tristan into putting on sunscreen lipgloss in the last picture. Gotta love my girly girl. We sure are going to miss our griller around here. I would say that I may learn to grill, but then I would just be lying. I'm too scared of an open flame. This may have something to do with a bonfire I set in the backyard when I was a kid. I still remember the look on my (5 foot, nothing) mother's face. It is still haunting...anyway...
We are going to take some more pictures before leaving for the airport, so expect those tomorrow.

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