Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 14

Well, we have made it through two weeks. It hasn't been the easiest two weeks, but that is to be expected. I have been weaning Tristan off of a drug that hasn't really done anything for him, but the weaning off has been difficult. I am hoping it is about out of his system. I had to reschedule an orthodontist appt because he was so wild. He was wild when he woke up this morning, but I think his other pill has kicked in because now he is calm.
Hopefully, I will be selling the Rav today. I would also like to make some progress on the garage today, but I have all week to get the garage, the shed, and the man-room clean and packed up. I am going to paint the man-room and hallway this weekend, so come to think of it, the hallway needs to be packed too. The shed it almost finished, I just need to run to the recycling plant to get rid of some cardboard, which is ironic because I need to go to Uhaul and get some boxes to pack with.
Took the kids to see Pirates of the Carribean yesterday. It was decent, but not the same without Will and Elizabeth. Of course Capt Jack is the kids' fave, so they enjoyed it. I think it was the first non-cartoon I have taken them to.
This afternoon we have the make-up orthodontist appt, and then we will go to the gym.

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