Thursday, June 18, 2009

Springtime Fun

I'm not very good at posting often. Ah well, I have some content this time. Hehe.
Both of the kids are finished with school. Tristan has graduated from Kindergarten, and Laney from K-3. They are both excited, and now we are working on keeping us all busy for the summer. We have some fun things planned. In a couple of weeks we are getting a visit from Bryan's parents, sister, and the kiddos. We are excited about that. Then, we are going camping with Lee and Kim. After that we don't have much planned, but I'm sure that'll change.

Tristan at his school's field day.

Laney on a field trip to Bluebird Gap Farm.

Laney's last day.

End of the year presents for the kids' teachers. Cookies made by my talented friend Theresa.

Tristan's last day of school.

Gorgeous jewelry boxes that Paul got us from Iraq. He is there until August and then he gets to come home and retire again.

My brother is also over there, and I think he will be coming home not too long after Paul, so that is fantastic.

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