Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our Summer

We have had a relaxing summer this year. After the hectic pace of 3 of us being in school, it was nice to just take it easy. We did have Bryan's parents and sister, and her kiddos out to visit. That was really fun. I have spent most of the summer reading for leisure and entertaining the kiddos.
We have done a lot of swimming at our neighbor's (John and Kerry). We have gone to the beach a number of times, and played all kinds of games.

The Grillmaster

Our niece Emmalee

All the little ones, on Langley
Our other niece Rayna
Our nephew, Jordan
See, said I read a lot, proof
T with his new glasses

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Springtime Fun

I'm not very good at posting often. Ah well, I have some content this time. Hehe.
Both of the kids are finished with school. Tristan has graduated from Kindergarten, and Laney from K-3. They are both excited, and now we are working on keeping us all busy for the summer. We have some fun things planned. In a couple of weeks we are getting a visit from Bryan's parents, sister, and the kiddos. We are excited about that. Then, we are going camping with Lee and Kim. After that we don't have much planned, but I'm sure that'll change.

Tristan at his school's field day.

Laney on a field trip to Bluebird Gap Farm.

Laney's last day.

End of the year presents for the kids' teachers. Cookies made by my talented friend Theresa.

Tristan's last day of school.

Gorgeous jewelry boxes that Paul got us from Iraq. He is there until August and then he gets to come home and retire again.

My brother is also over there, and I think he will be coming home not too long after Paul, so that is fantastic.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Living Room Makeover

This isn't super exciting, but we recently made over our living room. We got a new TV, entertainment desk, some new pillows, and we moved things around a little.

Also, a bonus, we have the most beautiful tree in the front yard. It is gorgeous in spring and fall, I am totally in love with it!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Laney and Soccer

So, last weekend was Laney's first soccer game ever. We hadn't made it to practice before this, so she was learning as she went. I think she was/is intimidated. She gets really excited about going though, so I know she likes it. It is VERY apparent that she is my daughter. She doesn't have quick reflexes. She had practice last night, and I could feel her frustration in trying to line up a perfect shot only to have a defender kick it away from her. I was the same way. I told her she has to act on instinct and not be afraid to not have a perfect shot, but I totally understand the way she thinks. I think that way too.
Here are some pics. The hands in the hair is a nervous thing.:)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Beginning

I really should have been keeping a blog for years! I just haven't really known what it was all about, or how to go about it. I honestly still don't, so you will all have to bear with me. I plan to update this whenever we have anything fun or exciting to report.
Right now we have a lot going on, so there may be quite a few posts in the near future.
For now, my good friend Theresa is a fantastic photographer and took some awesome pictures of the family this last weekend.

We are all pretty busy with school right now, well except Bryan, but he is busy with a new job, that he is pretty happy with. We are looking at no deployments for awhile! Woohoo. We have been through 5 plus Korea. I added it up the other day and realized that Bryan has been gone for 3 years of the 7 and a half we have been married. Not complaining, I was just surprised. Anyway, I am off on a tangent. Tristan is in Kindergarten, in a collaborative class, and we are discussing what he is going to do next year. It is between being in a fully self contained class with only 1 teacher or changing schools. We aren't sure right now, which will be the answer. Laney is in Pre-K. She is going to a private school right now, and she will continue to go there next year in Pre-K for one more year. She loves it! I am going to school working on pre-requisites. I was looking at going into nursing, but recently have wondered about changing paths to go into something more closely related to genetics. I haven't decided fully, but doing pre-reqs in the meantime will give me time to decide. I'm definitely going into Science related.

Laney's newest endeavor is soccer, and she is playing on a church league. She is enjoying it, although she doesn't have the hang of it yet(she's 4). She likes to run after the ball, even if she doesn't really know what to do with it.

Tristan's facisination all year has been our Wii. He loves that and is allowed to play an hour a day if he does well at school.

I'm really into running at the moment. I just ran an 8K, and I'm looking at running a half marathon in September. I'm really excited and I'm enjoying training for it.

More to follow...